This allotment is located in the municipality of Vila Franca de Xira, between Alhandra and Arruda dos Vinhos, in a natural environment, marked by the culture of vineyards and the view of Tagus river.
The proximity of Lisbon, with accessibility to the center of less than 30 minutes, via A1, A10 and A9 hiways, but with the possibility of connection with A5, A8, A16, A36, A37, and A40 hiways, makes this area a place of choice for those who want to live in natural surroundings, but close to the center of the capital.
The property has a total area of 531,944 sqm, with 259,203 sqmdestined for urban allotment and 272,741 m2 destined for agricultural space.
As for the urban part, 62,740.22 m2 will be built in 171 villas, on lots with areas between 600 sqm and 3,000 sqm, 6,600 sqm in 11 collective housing lots and 1,320 sqm of commerce and services, being also transferred to the Municipal Council of Vila Franca de Xira 2 lots for collective equipment totaling 6,256.39 sqm.
The total gross construction area totals 76,916.61 sqm, comprising a total of 215 housing units.
As for agricultural space, it is planned to build a tourism unit in rural space with 2,000 sqm, agricultural facilities with 1,000 sqmand a villa with 500 sqm.
The environmental and urban quality of the complex is also noteworthy, with a 16 m wide street, allowing easy pedestrian and road traffic, punctuated by green areas and profuse afforestation, in a green continuum with the interior of the lots and the surrounding landscape.